One of the most difficult conversations you will have with your elderly parents will be about whether or not it is time to consider moving into a senior living facility. Some parents are willing to make the transition when necessary, but others are far more hesitant. If you are worried that your parents will resist the idea, here are some tips for communicating with them.  

Start the Discussions Early

It will likely take more than one conversation to convince your parents that moving into a facility is a good move. If you wait until it is urgently needed, you could come up against more resilience from your parents. Your chances of convincing your parents of moving sometime in the future are increased if you start having the conversations before it is necessary.  

When you do have those conversations, it is important that you wait until the time is right. For instance, do not start the conversation when your parents are in an agitated state. Choose a time when your parents are in a relatively good mood and seem as if they would be more receptive to simply having the conversation. 

Watch Your Language

There are many stigmas that exist about senior living facilities. As a result, many older people refuse to even consider the idea of moving. What they might not realize is that changes to how senior living facilities are operated and their services have taken them from the nursing homes of yesteryear to residences that seniors can be proud to call home.  

You need to use your words to paint a more realistic picture of what senior living facilities are today. Avoid terms, such as "nursing home" or "old folks' home." Try to focus on words like "community." 

Avoid Embarrassing Your Parents

Some adult children choose to involve as many family members as possible in the conversations surrounding senior parents moving into a facility. However, this can make convincing the parents more challenging.  

Even though everyone is concerned about the welfare of the parents, involving lots of people in the discussions can sometimes cause embarrassment for senior parents. Your parents' embarrassment could lead to them being less than receptive about even considering the possibility of moving. Keep the number of people to the adult children. If additional backup is needed, try to limit the number of additional people to only one or two. 

A social worker from a senior living facility you are considering can help you determine what other methods you can use to start the conversation about moving with your parents.  
