Some seniors are not embarrassed by the idea that they need help at home. However, there are a significant number of seniors who are and refuse to ask for assistance even though they could be putting their lives at risk. If you believe that your elderly parent is in need of in-home care but he or she is denying it, here are some warning signs that could indicate you are right.  

Your Parent's Mental and Emotional State

As your parent ages, it is normal for changes to his or her behavior to occur. However, when those changes interfere with his or her safety, it might be time to seek in-home care.  

For instance, it is not uncommon for people to experience forgetfulness as they age. When the forgetfulness results in bills not being paid, your parent forgetting to eat, or him or her not taking medications, this is behavior that could put his or her health risk.  

You should also be concerned if your parent experiences mood swings or seems to have depression. Uncertainty or confusion about every day tasks should be noted and discussed with your parent's health care providers. The providers can help determine if in-home care is an option that will allow your parent to safely remain in the home.  

The Home's Condition

Even if your parent's mental and emotional state has not been impacted by aging, he or she might be struggling to perform tasks at home that help to keep it in shape. For instance, your parent's yard could be in poor shape or the interior of the home could be cluttered or dirty.  

Changes to the home's condition sometimes take a little investigation work to find. For instance, your parent's refrigerator and cabinets could be hiding expired foods that are no longer safe for him to consume. Check the appliances and plumbing in your parent's home to assess whether or not they are in good working condition.  

An in-home care assistant could help with the daily monitoring of your parent's home and notify you of any repairs that need to occur. He or she can even help with scheduling those repairs and keeping the home clean and safe.  

The most important thing to remember is to trust your instinct when it comes to assessing whether or not your parent is in need of in-home care. Consult with an in-home care service like Wellspring Meadows Assisted Living to learn what type of assistance your parent can receive. 
