If you are an adult child of an elderly senior, your parent may be getting to the point where they need more help than you are able to offer. There are several options for the varying degrees of help that may be needed such as having your parent live in your home, home health aids, assisted living facilities, or rehabilitation centers. If your parent is in generally good health but needs occasional supervision with some activities an assisted living facility may be a good choice for them.

The search for a good assisted living facility can be strenuous since they all seem to offer different services. Some assisted living facilities are basically apartment complexes with nurses who make home visits. Others have a much more open feel with people constantly visiting one another, group meals, and community outings and activities together. No matter the current circumstances with your parent, there are a few things you should know before choosing an assisted living facility in order to avoid mistakes that are commonly made by others.

1. Making A Decision Too Quickly. Many problems can arise from trying to make a decision about an assisted living facility too quickly. Take the time to really get to know the facilities in your area, along with what they have to offer and their costs. 

2. Choosing the Closest Facility. While most adult children have every intention in the world to visit their parents daily, sometimes that is just not realistic. Many people make the mistake of hastily choosing the facility which is closest to their home instead of what is best for their parent. This is about what is best for them, not you.

3. Choosing A Facility Based On Your Preferences. It is so important to remember that this is going to be the home of your parent, and not your home. Just because the facility meets your need as a support person, keep in mind that it may not be your parent's first choice. Make sure that you are choosing the facility that is best for your parent and their needs.

4. Not Planning Ahead For Future Needs. While everyone hopes that their parent is going to make a full recovery and regain their independence, it is crucial that adult children understand the reality of their parent's future health and plan accordingly. Before choosing an assisted living facility, make sure to have in-depth discussions with your parent's doctor about how they will probably age. 

For more information, contact your local assisted living services.
